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ChainGet StartedConnecting to Beam

Connecting to Beam

As an EVM-compatible chain, you can connect to Beam network using any Ethereum wallet.

To access Beam, you need to add the network’s network configuration in your desired third-party wallet such as MetaMask. Below we’ve added the instructions on accessing Beam through MetaMask.

Connect to Beam Mainnet with MetaMask

Beam MainnetSettings
Network nameBeam Mainnet
RPC URL (http)
RPC URL (WebSocket)wss://
Chain ID4337 (0x10f1)
Currency symbolBEAM
Block explorer URL
One-click setup

Open MetaMask & Add Network

Launch MetaMask and select the top left option labeled “Ethereum Mainnet”. Next, choose “Add Network”.

MetaMask Beam RPC Add Network

Add a Network Manually

Click on “Add a Network Manually” in the subsequent window.

MetaMask Beam RPC Add Network

Input Beam Mainnet Settings

Enter the Beam Mainnet settings as provided above.

MetaMask Beam RPC Add Network

As an alternative, you can easily integrate the Beam Mainnet settings with a single click through Chainlist. Just click “Add to Metamask” to apply the MetaMask settings.

Beam Testnet (Fuji)

Beam TestnetSettings
Network nameBeam Testnet
RPC URL (http)
RPC URL (WebSocket)wss://
Chain ID13337 (0x3419)
Currency symbolBEAM
Block explorer URL
One-click setup

MetaMask Settings Beam Testnet RPC

As an alternative, you can easily integrate the Beam Testnet settings with a single click through Chainlist. Just click “Add to Metamask” to apply the MetaMask settings.